
2010년도 제5차 WCU seminar 공지- 2010년6월17일


1.제 목 : Flow Visualization By Light Scattering


2.연 사 : Jean Pierre Prenel, Ph.D.

           Department of Energy and Multi-physical Systems,

           University of Franche Comté


3.일 시 : 2010 6 17 (오전 11

4.장 소 : 301동 1512-2호 세미나실



During the last 30 years, Laser Tomography and the use of Light Scattering for flow characterization have known numerous improvements and variants, summarized in this paper. We describe the standard illumination systems and note that the usual term “plane laser sheet” is in fact ill advised: real laser sheets  are complex light distributions, whose energy profiles can be calculated only if the emission modes of the illumination laser are known. We also detail the paradoxical limitations of the tomographic analysis: how to use a strictly 2D technique (plane sheets) for 3D investigations? A partial solution is the control of the sheet shape and the knowledge of the true sheet thickness. In order to obtain real 3D informations, qualitative or quantitative, various ways are examined : sequential tomography, two or multi-plane tomography with polarizing or wavelength coding, volume illumination by means of oscillating sheets or XY beam sweeps and finally the specific 3D Rainbow Velocimetry approach. We conclude by a short presentation of the recent tendencies.



PhD in Optics in 1970, University of Franche Comté, France. Doctorate in Physics in 1973, University of Franche Comté, France. He has worked in the field of Flow Visualization since 1974 and was research manager of different laboratories, including CNRS and University of Franche Comté. Now he is active as Professor Emeritus and fulfils various responsibilities as Chairman of the French Committee “Fluvisu - Visualization in Fluid Mechanics”, Vice President of the PCTFE, Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering, Hawaii, USA and European Editor of “Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing”. As a member of the Honorary Board of the Symposium Series ISFV and PSFVIP, he also was Chairman of PSFVIP 4 - 2003 in Chamonix and of ISFV 13 – 2008 in Nice, France.


5.문 의 : 기계항공공학부 Kenneth D. Kihm 교수님 (880-1710)