
2012년도 제 1차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 3월 29일

1.제 목 : Vapor-Phase Fabrication of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thin Films Using Molecular Layer Deposition with Atomic Layer Deposition

2. 연 사 : Myung Mo Sung Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Hanyang University

3. 일 시 : 2012년 3월 29일 16:30 p.m.

4. 장 소 : 301동 1512-2호 세미나실

5. 내 용 :

We report a vapor phase deposition method of high quality organic thin films, called molecular layer deposition (MLD).  MLD is a gas phase process analogous to ALD and also relies on sequential saturated surface reactions which result in the formation of a self-assembled monolayer in each sequence.  In the MLD method, the high quality organic thin films can be quickly formed with monolayer precision under ALD conditions (temperature, pressure, etc).  The MLD method can be combined with ALD to take advantages of the possibility of obtaining organic–inorganic hybrid thin films.  The advantages of the MLD technique combined with ALD include accurate control of film thickness, large-scale uniformity, excellent conformality, good reproducibility, multilayer processing capability, sharp interfaces, and excellent film qualities at relatively low temperatures.  Additionally, a vast library of materials is accessible by ALD methods, ranging from single elements to compound semiconductors to oxides, nitrides, and sulfides.  Therefore, the MLD method with ALD is an ideal fabrication technique for various organic-inorganic nanohybrid superlattices.



6. 약  :

§Seoul National University, B. S. in Chemistry Department, 1986

§Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Researcher, 1986 to 1992

§University of Houston (Professor J. W. Rabalais), Ph. D. in Chemistry Department, 1996

§University of California, Berkeley (Professor Roya Maboudian)

 Postdoctoral in Chemical Engineering Department, 1996 to 1997 

§Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Senior Research Scientist, 1997 to 2000

§Kookmin University, Associate Professor, 2000 to 2006

§Hanyang University, Associate Professor, 2006 to Now



※ 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 서갑양 교수 (880-9103)