뉴스 & 공지사항

2010학년도 2학기 과목 소개 <나노복합재료의 제작 및 평가 - 이종재료 역학>



§Course Title :  Fabrication and Evaluation of Nano Composites

                               (Mechanics of Heterogeneous Materials)

§Course Schedule :  Tue&Thu 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. at 301-303

§Instructor :   Dr. Brian L. Wardle, WCU Professor

                                Massachusetts  Institute of Technology Professor

                          Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics  


§References :  

Introduction to Composite Materials, S.W. Tsai and H.T. Hahn, Technomic, 1980.

Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates: Theory and Analysis,

  J.N. Reddy, CRC Press, 1997.


§Course Descriptions : 

Mechanical behavior of heterogeneous materials such as thin-film microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) materials and advanced filamentary composites, with particular emphasis on laminated structural configurations.  Anisotropic and crystallographic elasticity formulations.  Structure, properties and mechanics of constituents such as films, substrates, active materials, fibers, and matrices including nano- and micro-scale constituents. 

Effective properties from constituent properties.  Classical laminated plate theory for

modeling structural behavior including extrinsic and intrinsic strains and stresses such as environmental effects.  Introduction to buckling of plates and nonlinear(deformations) plate theory.  Other issues in modeling heterogeneous materials such as fracture/failure of laminated structures.



§Grading Policy : Homework Assignments         40%

                                     Midterm Exam                        20%

                                     Final Exam                             20%

                                     Project                                   20%

                                     Total                                     100%



※첨 부 : 강의 계획서

문 의 ☎ 880-1704