
2010년도 제 8차 WCU seminar 공지 - 2010년 7월 15일


1.제 목 : Microfluidic Technologies for Point of Care Application


2.연 사 : Prashanta Dutta, Ph.D.

             Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University


3.일 시 : 2010 7 15 (11:00 a.m. 

4.장 소 : 301동 117호 세미나실

5.내  용 :




“Lab-on-a-chip” microfluidic devices are in strong demand as alternative platforms to perform various bio-analytical experiments such as sensing and identification of single molecules, DNA analyses and sequencing, separation and purification of proteins, etc.  These microdevices not only provide enormous speed, resolution and efficiency in bioanalytical processes, but are also very cheap and convenient to use in both laboratory and field applications. These devices generally take advantages of different micro/nanoscale phenomena such as electroosmosis to pump liquids, and electrophoresis to separate objects of interest such as ions, proteins, DNA, bacteria, or cells from a mixture. In this presentation, a brief overview of microfluidic technology will be provided for a number of applications. Three specific unit operations will be demonstrated on microfluidic device for the development of a point of care cardiac biosensor. In the first example, transport, separation and concentration of proteins will be shown in microdevices using non-linear electrophoresis such as isotachophoresis and isoelectric focusing.  Next, local flow control in microchannels will be demonstrated using automated electric valves developed in our laboratory. Finally, sensing of different size and charge particles will be presented in a micro and nanofluidic device. Numerical results will also be shown in all cases for the device design and optimization.




Prashanta Dutta received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station in U. S. A. He then joined the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Washington State University (WSU) as a tenure track Assistant Professor in Fall 2001. Currently, he is a tenured Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering program of WSU. Dr. Dutta has been working on micro- and nano-fluidics research area since 1998.  He has published more than 80 peer reviewed journal and conference articles and three book chapters. He was the microfluidics symposium chair for the 2008 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Currently he is the Vice-chair of ASME Micro/nano Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee. His work is supported by the US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Washington Technology Center, and Washington Life Sciences Discovery Fund.



6.문 의 : 기계항공공학부 Kenneth D. Kihm 교수님 (880-1710)