
2010년도 제13차 WCU seminar 공지-2010년 9월20일


  1.     : Liquid Composite Moulding Application of Modelling         
         and Simulation in Process Development

2.     Chensong Dong, Ph.D.

            Research fellow , The Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering,  Curtin University, Perth, Australia


     3.     2010년 9 20일 () 11:00-12:00


     4. 장    301동 117


     5.     Fibre-reinforced composites are widely used in many structural components in aircraft, automotive, marine, and other industries for their advantages of low density, high strength, high stiffness to weight ratio, excellent durability, and design flexibility.  Liquid Composite Moulding (LCM) is an attractive method for the manufacturing of high quality aerospace parts.  Because of the complexity of the process, the quality of final products is affected by many factors.  Traditional process development has been highly relied on the time-consuming and costly trial-and-error approach.  Computer simulation has become an attractive alternative to the process development of LCM.  This presentation provides an insight into the application of computer modelling and simulation in the process development for LCM.  The following aspects: flow of resin; process-induced residual stress and deformation; and defects are discussed.


      5. 연사약력 :


          2003    PhD Florida State University (United States)

          2003  ~ Research fellow , The Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering,

                                                Curtin University, Perth, Australia


6. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 이 우 일 교수(☏ 880-7116)