
2010년도 제15차 WCU seminar 공지-2010년 12월22일


1. 제목 :  “Nanotechnology-based synthetic and analytic ways for

             advanced electrode materials of LIB"

2. 일시 : 2010년 12월 22() , 11:00  a.m.


3. 장소 : 301동 1558

4. 연사 Yong-Mook Kang

             Div. of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kongju National University

5. 내용요약 :

With an advent of the ubiquitous era, the demand for rechargeable batteries with a higher energy density is getting more and more critical. It is because applications are emerging such as electric vehicles and various types of portable electronic devices. Therefore, the search for new materials and new analysis is more important.

     In this presentation, novel synthetic ways using nano-science and new analytic method adopting the correlation between the experimental spectroscopy and the theoretical calculation based on density functional theory will be introduced. The enhanced electrochemical performances of SnO2 nanowires resulted from the combination of unique nanostructures with high length to diameter ratio and the absence of traditional metal catalysts. The electrochemical performance of nanowire will be compared with those of nanopowder and nanotubes.[1-2] The electrochemical Li-ion - Si binary system forms various Li-rich intermetallic compounds, and thus provide symptomatic implications for the Li-ion battery anodes with the correspondingly high charge/discharge capacity. Therein, the capacity of the stored/released Li-ions and their conversions to charge capacity are inherently related to the anode architectures, particularly at the nanometer scale, in which all the electrochemical entities are optimally coordinated in consideration of both the thermodynamics and reaction kinetics. Here, we show direct evidence of highly reversible phase transitions during the Li-Si alloying/dealloying in Si nanowire (NW) hosts, which are spatially resolved within the individual NW level, at the full electrochemical cycle by the electron diffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy.[3-4] In order to elucidate the structural change and electrochemical degradation of Si based materials, various analyses were consecutively conducted. Especially, the CASTEP ab-initio calculation was coupled with TEM-EELS analysis to elucidate the microstructural change of Si during Li+ insertion.[5-7] Finally, the latest issue in olivine-structured material and Li4Ti5O12 will be discussed and analyzed by correlating their band structures with the local structure change. [8-10]

6. 연사약력 :


2008.7 – Present: Young Affiliate, TWAS (The academy of sciences for the developing world)

2007.9 – Present: Assistant Professor, Div. of Advanced Materials Eng., Kongju Nat’l Univ.

2005.3 – 2007.8: External Supervisor, ISEM, University of Wollongong

2004.10 – 2007.8: Senior Researcher, Energy Lab., Samsung SDI Co.,LTD


Ph.D. ( -8/2004) Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Materials Science and Engineering

Visiting Fellow ( 6-8/2003) University of Wollongong, Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials

M.S./B.S. ( -2/2001) Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Materials Science and Engineering


7. 문의 : 기계항공공학부 조경재 교수 (880-1709)