
2012년도 제 5차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 4월 25일

1.Title : The Multifunctional and Multidisciplinary Design Paradigm for Noise

           and Vibration Research

2. Speaker : Dr. Peter Göransson

              (Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden)         

3. Time : April 25th , Wed 14:00-15:00

4. Venue : Rm.1512-2, Bldg.301

5. Abstract Sustainable development in vehicle engineering design is often associated with weight savings, reduced aerodynamic drag, etc. in order to save natural resources with respect to material and energy. But, a strict lightweight design contradicts other functional requirements such as noise, vibrations, stability, safety etc. Within the Centre for ECO2 Vehicle Design, these functional conflicts forms the basis for a research programme which combines a bottom-up and a top-down approach for identifying, directing and focusing the research. In addition, working from a vehicle functions perspective in a frame work encompassing the vehicle functionality and conflicts between different functional requirements, the challenges for technological development, holding the potential for major improvements in the sustainability of future vehicle generations, are addressed. As mentioned above, one of the prominent functional conflicts is associated with lightweight design vs structural and acoustic requirements. To illustrate the research activities in the Centre, an approach aiming at the resolution of this conflict based on the concept of multi-functionality will be discussed. The term multi-functionality is here used to characterise a design of an integrated component with desired acoustic and structural performance at a low weight. This design includes topologically optimized spatial distributions of materials which are inherently multi-functional as well as tailored micro level structural properties to enhance macro level multi-functionality. The central focus of the work has been finding methods to balance the strongly conflicting requirements of a high stiffness, low weight structure with a comfortable, low noise acoustic environment within the vehicle

6. Bio :

Ph.D,  Department of Engineering Acoustics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden. 1999.

         Licentiate of Engineering, Department of Engineering Acoustics, Lund Institute of

         TechnologyLund, Sweden. 1993.

M.Sc. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

        Boston, USA. 1984.

M.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. 1982



※ 문의 : 기계항공공학부 김윤영 교수 (880-7154)