
2012년도 제 15차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 8월 14일


1.Title : Metamaterials - waves manipulation with transformation method

2.Speaker : Dr. Jensen Li

                 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Materials Science,

                  City University of Hong Kong

3.Schedule : Aug 14th (Tue) 13:30~16:00

4.Venue : Rm.1512-2, Bldg.301

5.Abstract :

In this lecture, we will go one step further to investigate the case if we can fabricate metamaterial units varying in a spatial profile, exotic applications like a meta-surface and an invisibility cloak can be designed. The coordinate-transformation method behind the scene will be covered. Examples in electromagnetism and acoustics will be used for demonstration of the concepts.

6.Bio :

Dr Jensen Li received his BEng degree (First Class Honors) in electrical and electronic engineering from University of Hong Kong and his PhD degree in physics with Prof C T Chan in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2004. Before joining City University of Hong Kong, he worked on metamaterials and invisibility cloak with Prof Sir John Pendry in Imperial College London, and with Prof Xiang Zhang at the University of California at Berkeley. His research interests include metamaterials/plasmonics, photonic crystals, transformation optics and artifical acoustic materials.



※ Contact :  Prof. Yoon Young Kim (880-7154)