
2012년도 제 19차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 10월 5일



1.  제목 :  Immunobiology of Skin Dendritic Cells

2.  연사 :  Florent Ginhoux, Principal Investigator (Singapore Immunology Network)

3.  일시 :  2012 10 5일 (오후 3~

4.  장소 :  301  1512-2

5.  내용 DCs form a heterogeneous group of antigen presenting cells that are critical agents in the induction and regulation of immune responses and potential targets of immunotherapeutic interventions. Several studies in mice and humans have revealed the complexity of DC origin and life cycle. In a similar manner to T cell subsets, DCs have been shown to be heterogeneous implicating functional specializations that are starting to be unravelled. In addition, while DCs have been extensively studied in mice lymphoid organs or human blood, less is known about the origin and the mechanisms that regulate DC development and function in non-lymphoid tissues such as the skin, where by virtue of their location, cutaneous DCs play a central role in the induction of immunity. We aim to more precisely define murine and human cutaneous DC subsets in the periphery, in terms of their cellular ancestry, their differentiation program and their cytokine dependency. This first characterization step of the steady state DC network will form the foundations for further studies to delineate their specific immune functions, as ontogeny and homeostasis of DC subsets likely underlie their functional specializations. Our next challenge is also to identify homologous DC subsets in mice and humans and to establish functional similarities across the two species. We aim to correlate murine DC subsets to their human counterparts not only by phenotype, but rather by gene expression profile and functions. Parallel comparative studies will aid understanding of human DC biology. Better understanding of the ontogeny, differentiation pathways and immune specializations of murine and human DC subsets will facilitate the development of new molecular targets for immunotherapy and vaccination.


6. 약력

Florent Ginhoux graduated in Biochemistry from the University Pierre et Marie CURIE, Paris VI and obtained a Masters degree in Advanced Studies in Immunology from the Pasteur Institute, Paris. He then started his PhD in the Immunology Team of GENETHON, Evry and obtained his PhD in 2004 from the University Pierre et Marie CURIE, Paris VI.

As a postdoctoral fellow, Florent Ginhoux joined the Laboratory of Miriam Merad in the Mount Sinai School of Medicine (MSSM), New York where he studied the ontogeny and the homeostasis of dendritic cell populations, with a strong focus on Langerhans cells. In 2008 he became an Assistant Professor in the Department of Gene and Cell Medicine, MSSM and member of the Immunology Institute of MSSM. He joined SIgN in March 2009.



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