
2012년도 제 20차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 10월 29일


1. 제목 : Real-time biology: What you don’t see really matter

2. 연사 : Jean-Philippe Stephan Ph.D (Genentech)

3. 일시 : 2012년 10월 29일 (오후 4시 30-5시 30

4. 장소 : 301동 1512-2

5. 초록 :


Couple years ago Sharma et al. demonstrated the existence of a reversibly “drug-tolerant” cell population within various human tumor cell lines. This small population of cells demonstrates reduced drug sensitivity and maintains viability via engagement of IGF-1 receptor signaling and an altered chromatin state that requires the histone demethylase KDM5A. Considering these initial data we set up to systematically investigate the possible role of epigenetic regulators in the transiently acquired drug-tolerant phenotype using an siRNA screening approach. The development and optimization of the screen using the Incucyte technology will be presented.


6. 약력 :


Jean-Philippe Stephan, originally from Rennes, Brittany, France, received his Ph.D. in Developmental Biology from Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI, France). After a postdoctoral fellowship at Genentech, he was hired as a Research Scientist in the Assay and Automation Technology department (AAT) at Genentech, Inc. For more than ten years Dr. Stephan has been involved with the screening and characterization of therapeutic antibodies. As a cell-based technology expert he started to be involved with target discovery almost four years ago. Today Dr. Stephan leads a research group in charge of protein interaction and RNAi screens geared toward new drug target discovery.



7. 문의 기계항공공학부 전누리 교수 (880-7111)