2012년도 제 21차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 11월 19일
1. 제목 : Biointerface – where material meets biology
2. 연사 : Dr Wojciech Chrzanowski (University of Sydney)
3. 일시 : 2012년 11월 19일 (월) 오후 5시
4. 장소 : 301동 301호
5. 내용 : The response of the cells to biomaterials is regulated by a few material and surface characteristics. Modifications to these characteristics allow us to modulate cell reasons and guide the cell to migrate, differentiate or inhibit cell function. In the presentation the author will concentrate on protein based biointerfaces that are capable to stimulate and control cellular response. Biointerface is understood as an interconnection between a synthetic or natural material and tissue, microorganism, cell, virus or biomolecule. Biointerface often refers to the surface of biomaterials that dictates responses of cell and tissue. Therefore, through the engineering of this surface it is possible to regulate biological responses. Author will present a new class of active interfaces that are capable of immobilizing biomolecules. Based on this technology osteogenic surfaces that regulated cell attachment and differentiation has been developed. The regulation was achieved using biointerfaces with immobilized protein/peptide that modulated cell responses in a controlled manner. Moreover, Dr Chrzanowski works intensively on drug delivery systems that are capable of modulating drug uptake. In the presentation he will introduce new inhalable fatty-acid based micro-particles that can target disease and control drug release upon thermal (magnetic or electromagnetic filed) trigger. Using an innovative and ‘environmentally friendly’ technology it becomes possible to combine the strengths and highly beneficial biological effects of fats (lipids) which upregulate drug adsorption with the targeting properties of the magnetic nanoparticles, to allow a targeted and controlled drug release. The system is specifically designed for the treatment of pulmonary diseases: e.g. lung cancer. It was observed that fatty acids have distinct influence on cell membren and mechanical properties of lung cells. In simple terms, the inhalable micro-particles contain superparamagnetic nanoparticles and drug encased in a fat shell, which can be are deposited regionally throughout the lung. Once deposited the lipid can then be selectively ‘melted’ by increasing the local temperature (using a targeted electromagnetic field), allowing drug release. The unique feature of this system is its ability to 'exploit' the temperature sensitivity of the formulation, so that different drugs can be released at different temperatures, very important for multidrug delivery systems.
6. 약력 : Dr. Wojciech Chrzanowski received his PhD from the Silesian University of Technology. In 2006 he was awarded with a prestigious Marie Curie IntraEurpoean Fellowship and moved to University College London, and then to the University of Glasgow to conduct his research in EU funded project: Externally Activated Resorbable Materials. His research centers around biointefaces, nanomaterials and nanocharacterization of biomedical materials. His work has made a significant contribution to the development of bionterfaces on biomaterials that are capable to regulate cell responses. A significant proportion of the work focused on smart, shape memory materials. His research has had a major contribution to the development of the development of novel antimicrobial, self-cleaning materials, bioactive degradable glasses and composites, and surfaces that guide DNA binding. Recently he has developed two drug delivery systems that employ superparamagnetic nanoparticles to enhance the efficacy of drug therapy (i.e. chemotherapy) and regulated drug release. Dr Chrzanowski’s published his research outcomes in over 50 papers and 40 conference proceedings. He is co-author of two patents and was invited to present his research at several Universities in the UK, Japan, South Korea and Poland. He was an organizer of a symposium during World Biomaterials Congress in 2012 in China and a session organizer during the International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (ICYRAM) Singapore 2012.
7. 문의 : 기계항공공학부 서갑양 교수 (880-9103)