
2012년도 제 23차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2012년 11월 14일


1. 제목 :  Production of Biomaterials by Benign Processes for Tissue


2.  연사 : Professor Fariba Dehghani (University of Sydney)

3.  일시 : 2012 11 14일 (오전 11

4.  장소 : 301  1512-2

5.  초록 : 


 Every year millions of people are at risk of bone fracture due to osteoporosis, suffer from the loss or failure of an organ or tissue and diseases such as cancer. Bioengineering is an emerging science that has the potential to address these health issues in reducing the incidence of such diseases and preparing cost effective treatment. This talk will describe recent advances in material processing that can be used for the development of new approaches for tissue regeneration.



6. 약력


Dr Fariba Dehghani is an Associate Professor in School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia. She has received her PhD in 1997 in Chemical Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia. She has been involved in biomedical research since 1997 and has published several book chapters and peered reviewed journals. The H-index citation for her publications is 23.  The focus of her research is on developing advanced technologies for the synthesis and processes of biomaterials that are used in food, pharmaceuticals and biomedical devices. She has developed techniques for the fabrication of superporous hydrogels that substantially enhances 3D cell proliferation that is a major opportunity in tissue engineering. In addition, she has designed several biodegradable polymers that can be used for regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues.



7. 문의기계항공공학부 전누리 교수 (880-7111)