Seminar & Event

2010년도 제 9차 WCU seminar 공지 - 2010년 7월 26일 (월)


1. 제목 : Synthesis and Applications of Large-Scale Graphene Films

2. 연사 홍병희  교수

         Department of Chemistry and SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology

        (SAINT), Sungkyunkwan University

3. 일시 : 2010년 7월 26일 () 11:00 a.m.

4. 장소 301동 117호 세미나실

5. 내용 :

Graphene has been attracting much attention owing to its fascinating physical properties such as quantum electronic transport, a tunable band gap, extremely high mobility, high elasticity and electromechanical modulation. There have been many efforts to utilize these outstanding properties of graphene for macroscopic applications such as transparent conducting films useful for flexible/stretchable electronics. However, the lack of efficient synthesis, transfer, and doping methods limited the scale and the quality needed for the practical production of graphene films. In this presentation, we introduce ultra-large scale (~30 inch) synthesis, roll-to-roll transfer, and chemical doping of graphene films showing excellent electrical and physical properties suitable for practical applications. Considering the outstanding scalability/processibility of roll-to-roll and CVD methods and the extraordinary flexibility/conductivity of graphene films, we expect the commercial production and application electrodes replacing the use of ITO can be realized in near future. In addition, we will discuss a few importance issues on the electro-mechanical properties of graphene films.


※ 문의 : 기계항공공학부 이준식 교수 (880-7117)