Seminar & Event

2013년도 제 6차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2013년 6월 17일


WCU Seminar


  1. 제목 : Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries as a Post Lithium Ion Battery

  1. 연사 : Seung-Tae Hong, Associate Professor(DGIST)
  2. 일시 : 2013년 6월 17일(월) 오후 4:00 – 5:00시 
  3. 장소 : 301동 1409-1호
  4. 내용 : 

A prototype for a rechargeable magnesium battery was reported in 2000 by Aurbach group, which comprised a Chevrel phase MgxMo6S8 and thin Mg foil as the positive and the negative materials, respectively. The key to the success of the system was the electrolyte which enabled the reversible dissolution/deposition of magnesium from/onto the magnesium foil. But it has a limited electrochemical window of ~2V. The energy density of the cell was about 25% of the lithium ion batteries. However, the magnesium battery system has a potential to provide a comparable or even higher energy density than lithium ion batteries because, in principle, the magnesium anode and the positive materials could provide more than two times of capacities even with about one volt lower in the cell voltage. It could be possible only if higher energy density positive materials and electrolytes with wider electrochemical potentials are developed. During the last decade a lot of materials have been claimed to show reversible magnesium intercalation. However, many of the results are to be carefully examined again because of unknown side reactions occurring during the test, mainly due to the underdevelopment of proper electrolytes. No dramatic improvement in electrolytes has been made in terms of electrochemical window and applicability to oxide host materials. A concrete analysis of the previously reported materials will be given, mainly focused on positive materials. Some of new materials showing a reversible magnesium intercalation will be discussed, demonstrating opportunities in this new field.

6. 약력:

Apr. 2012 – present : Associate Professor, Energy Systems Engineering, DGIST (Daegu Kyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology)

Jan. 2009 – Mar. 2012 : Leader of development team for large-scale energy storage (Li-ion technology) and innovative batteries (post-Li ion batteries including magnesium battery)
LG Chem Research Park, Battery Research & Development

Mar. 1991 - Feb. 1994 : Ph.D., Inorganic Materials Chemistry(Seoul National University)

Mar. 1987 - Feb. 1989 : M.S., Inorganic Solid State Chemistry(Seoul National University)

Mar. 1983 - Feb. 1987 : B.S. Chemistry(Seoul National University)

7. 문의:  기계항공공학부 조경재 교수 (880-1709)