
2011년도 제 12차 WCU Seminar 공지 - 2011년 7월 20일


1.제목Effect of Critical Mechanical Properties of Packaging Materials on        Reliability of Microelectronics and Photonics Devices

2. 연사 : Prof. Bongtae Han (Univ. of Maryland)

3. 일시 : 2011년 7월 20일 () 16:00-17:00

4. 장소 : 301동 1512-2

5. 내용 :Smaller size, faster speed, and lower cost have been the ever-existing demands on microelectronic devices.  This trend will continue as portable electronics become more prevalent.  One of the most important keys to achieve the goal is application-dependent proper material sets.  The need for new materials for new technologies is obvious; e.g., in RF applications, the package materials strongly affect the performance of the RF electronics and thus the new materials are to be developed to meet new requirements.  For the same reason, it is obvious that fundamental functional properties – electrical (dielectric constant, dielectric loss, conductivity, resistivity, etc.) and optical (refractive index, diffusivity, absorption, etc.) must be characterized accurately at the conceptual stage of material development.Very often, however, it is not obvious that mechanical properties can be more critical than functional properties for successful development of conventional packaging materials.  This is an issue associated with tailoring materials properties for specific package architectures.  This concept requires clear understanding of mechanical challenges in designing package structures as well as assessing package reliability.  The critical properties for considerations include but not limited to: chemical shrinkage, modulus, hygroscopic swelling constant, moisture diffusion constant, glass transition temperature, thermal expansion coefficient, adhesion strength, fracture toughness, etc. The seminar will review several conventional electronic package architectures as well as the emerging packaging technologies including WLP, SIP and SOP.  Then, the effect of mechanical properties of polymeric materials on reliability of the packages and assemblies will be presented.  The method of tailoring for optimum reliability will be discussed.  Design parameters with an emphasis on material characterization will also be discussed.

6. 약력 : Dr. Bongtae Han received his Ph.D. degree in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Tech in 1991.  He is currently a Professor and a Director of Electronic Products and Systems Division of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Maryland; and is directing the LOMSS (Laboratory for Optomechanics and Micro/nano Semiconductor/Photonics Systems) of CALCE (Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering). Dr. Han has co-authored a text book entitled "High Sensitivity Moiré: Experimental Analysis for Mechanics and Materials", Springer-Verlag (1997) and edited two books.  He has published 8 book chapters and over 150 journal and conference papers in the field of microelectronics and experimental mechanics.  He holds 2 US patents and 4 invention disclosures. Dr. Han received the IBM Excellence Award for Outstanding Technical Achievements in 1994.


※ 문의 : 기계항공공학부 김윤영 교수 (880-7154)